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These mechanisms contribute to the myocyte cellular changes that lead to intrinsic cell dysfunction, such as sarcoplasmic reticular dysfunction and changes in intracellular calcium handling and myocyte loss. However, modulatory influences related to drinking patterns, genetic susceptibility, nutritional factors, ethnicity, and gender also many play a role (Piano and Phillips 2014) (figure 4). Altered platelet…

Here is a breakdown of the principles that match up with each step and how to practice them in a way that helps you create sustainable sobriety within the tenets of AA and NA. Each step centers around a phrase, many of them invoking the ideas of God or a “higher power” who guides the…

The adaptations within these systems contribute to withdrawal-related symptoms, seizures, and neurotoxicity. Alcoholics who are awaiting surgical or medical treatment often exhibit DT’s when their alcohol consumption is abruptly interrupted by hospitalization. Therefore, hospital staff must remain vigilant for signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, even in patients not known to be alcoholic. Delirium Tremens…

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